Final Report

Ben Allan-Rahill and Danielle Newberry

Hi! 👋

We are Ben and Danielle and we worked as a team for our final project in Middlebury College's CSCI 0435: Embedded Systems. For our final project, we made an IoT sunrise lamp that helps you get up in the morning!

🥅 Goal

  An alarm clock with a sunrise wake-up feature and potentially additional capabilities. It would allow you to easily set a specific time to trigger the wakeup/sunrise process either by using buttons on the time display screen or by using wifi to upload a time. You would be awoken gradually over a 30 min period where the lamp brightness increases until your specified wakeup time where an alarm sound wakes you up for sure.

💪 Motivation

  It is downright depressing waking up these days to the grey haze of a Vermont sky in the morning! A good sun presence leads to an easier wake up. Additionally, it would be cool to have the interactive capabilities of long distance friendship lamps. Covid means more time in between visiting friends and family and it would be useful to have a lamp that allows you to easily send a ‘hello, I’m thinking of you message’.

Bill of Materials

Adafruit FeatherWing OLED - 128x64 OLED Add-on For Feather (w/ headers)LCD display for time with buttons$14.95 (x2)
Stacking HeadersStacking the clock on the Feather$1.25 (x2)
Adalogger FeatherWing - RTC + SD Add-on For All Feather BoardsReal time clock$8.95 (x2)
Feather Huzzah (W/ stacking headers)Wifi and bluetooth capabilities$21.95 (x2)
5V 1A (1000mA) USB port power supplyPower!$5.95 + $2.95 (x2)
NeoPixel Ring - 24 x 5050 RGB LED with Integrated DriversBoth color and sunrise lighting$16.95 (x2)
BreadboardTesting and using the pins of the bottom feather board.$7.99 (x2)
Jumper wiresConnect the components$4.29 (x2)
BuzzerAlarm noise$4.95 (x2)

  Above are the parts that we used in our project. We chose the Adafruit Feather ecosystem as it allowed for compact, easy assembly and the ESP32 Feather Huzzah can use MicroPython which helped speed up the development process. Within the Feather Ecosystem, we selected the OLED display and the real-time clock (RTC) add-ons that can plug directly into the Huzzah MCU. With stacking headers, the RTC and OLED plug directly into the general purpose input-output (GPIO) pins on the Huzzah, creating a compact form factor that can be placed into the breadboard. We used a half-sized breadboard to connect the Huzzah to the Neopixels and the Piezo buzzer. Connecting the Huzzah to the breadboard allowed us to access the GPIO pins (A0, A1) on the MCU to connect the Neopixels and the buzzer.

  For power, we used a 5V 1A USB power supply and connected this to the micro USB port on the Huzzah. This power supply could be used to power the Huzzah and the Neopixels. The Neopixels used the USB pin on the Huzzah which provides the power from the power supply. Lastly, we connected the Neopixels and the buzzer to the ground pins on the Huzzah.

🎛 Circuitry


👩🏼‍💻 Code

⏺ Buttons

  The high-level structure of our code is a 3-state finite state machine. Our three states were: idle, edit_alarm, and sunrise. Idle is the main state that the suunns sits in waiting for user input and continuously displaying the clock to keep the time accurate. The edit_alarm state is triggered after detecting a long press on the button C. This state is when the user is able to change the time of the alarm using the A and B button and exit with a long press on button C. The sunrise state is triggered when the alarm is detected during the idle state. The sunrise state is when the light starts to brighten over a six minute period and then an alarm sound plays. This state is exited by pressing on the B button, starting the idle state again.

  The button presses are detected using a mix of interrupts and polling. To detect a long press on a button, we used a special interrupt service routine (ISR). The LONG_PRESS_ISR sets the time of the first press and compares this with the time the button was released to determine if the press was long enough. We can do this by setting the interrupt to trigger on rising and falling, i.e. when the button is pressed and released. This means that the interrupt will trigger once when the button is pressed, setting the first timestamp and again when the button is released, checking this against the first timestamp to determine how long the button was pressed for.

   The buttons that do not need long press functionality use another ISR. This ISR sets which button was pressed on the Button class. This record of which button was pressed is used by the Button class’ check_for_input function. This function runs the set callback functions for whichever buttons have been pressed.

⏰ Clock Display

  To render a digital clock, we used the OLED FeatherWing display and the sh1107 library. This third party library allowed us to send frames to the screen and subsequently show those frames. However, when it came to customizability, this library had minimal options. We could send simple text, but the font sizes were too small to mimic a real clock.

  To solve this problem, we implemented our own abstraction on top of this library. Our driver lives in the Screen and ClockDisplay classes. The Screen class implements the basic functionality of drawing digits and clearing the screen. The ClockDisplay builds on top of this, by using the Screen class to draw the digits of a particular time, the separating dots, and the AM/PM indicator. The ClockDisplay class splits up drawing the minutes and the hours so that if we were to change the interface of how the alarm is edited, it would be straightforward.

   To display the alarm and the live clock, we made two child classes of the ClockDisplay class. Currently, there is no difference between the two classes but for future organization they were split up. Our Watch class then contains both a LiveClock and an Alarm. The Watch class exposes functionality to edit the alarm, draw the control sequence (flashing indicator), and trigger the edit alarm state. Finally, a Watch instance was created on our Suunn class to be used by the different states of the machine.

🕰 Real Time Clock

  To keep track of real time we used another Feather stacking header board: the Adalogger FeatherWing RTC + SD add on. As a driver to communicate over I2C with the RTC we used the pcf852 third party library which is made for the clock in the board. This library made it easy to ask the current time in units of year, months, day of month, hour, minute, second, week day, or year day. It also had functions to set the current time with all the previous parameters. Which is something that needs to be done initially in order to sync the clock up to keeping track of the current time. Lastly, it had the capacity to trigger alarms. We also created a subclass to the pcf852 we named real_clock that made it simpler to extract individual components of the current date with more getter methods. The Clock Display class then drew from this to display the current time in military format.

  With the alarm feature of this library we are able to set an alarm that triggers at a certain hour and minute of the day by continuously checking if the current time is the pre-set alarm time.


   To communicate between our MCU and our website, we used the MQTT protocol. This leightweight porocol allows clients (devices, websites, etc.) to send messages to each other through a broker. We chose Amazon Web Services' IoT core MQTT broker. Using access tokens, we built a very simple Node.js server to take a request form our client-site and send it to the AWS broker. Idealy, we could go straigt from our client to AWS, but after trial and error, it was simpler to write more code and create a server.

   On our device, we had to upload our AWS access tokens and create an MQTT client. The suunns are subscribed to the suunn/color topic. This allows them to listen for changes form the site. If you wanted to set up your own suunn, all you would have to do is change the WIFI credentials in our MQTT class.

💾 Final Product

  Our code is a continuously running 3 state finite state machine. Since we determined we could contain all of the suunns functionality in 3 states this seemed like the most succinct and organized way to structure our code. When the suunn is first plugged into power it will automatically enter the idle state where it displays the current time. In this state the clock is also constantly listening for mqtt requests, checking if the alarm time criteria has been met, and waiting to respond to any button interrupts. Anytime the suunn is in this state and a MQTT message is sent the suunn will change to the specific color specified in the message. When the user presses the A or B button in the idle state the suunn remains in the same state but the light turns on/off or changes color respectively

   If the user presses the C button for a long time the suunn transitions into the edit alarm state. In this state the A and B buttons are used to increase or decrease the time. Once a user has decided on a given alarm time they would like to set, they exit this edit alarm state with another long press of the C button.

  When the suunn senses that the current time has reached the pre-set alarm time it enters the sunrise state. The neopixel gets gradually brighter and brighter over a pre-set period of time (for testing we have it set to 10 seconds, but it can be easily changed to 10 mins or even 30). After the light reaches full brightness the piezo buzzer will play a song. The code to play this song has been adapted from the Micropython on ES8266 Workshop's documentation examples for buzzers (BeeperExample). It uses PWM to make the melody by changing the frequency of the buzzer to play various musical notes. This alarm sound will play continuously until the user presses the B button which halts the noise and puts the suunn back into its idle state.


♿️ Acessibility

  Most of the user interface of the suunns is currently not that accessible. The stacking feather OLED is fairly small and the text on it in turn is not visible from a distance. The buttons of the screen are also quite small, making them hard to press, and their purpose is not immediately clear. There is no text displayed on the screen that describes their functions. A user would have to consult the instructions to see what the various uses of the buttons are. To use the suunns fully with the adafruit io dashboard capabilities a user also needs access to Wifi. Lastly, the price of this device could prove to be a barrier for some clocking in (haha pun intended) around $50 which, however, is cheaper than other sunrise or friendship lamps on the market which cost upward of $80.

😇 Ethical Implications

  There are a few ethical concerns to consider with our product. Firstly, the sustainability of making a lamp in a market that makes our product redundant creates an environmental concern. Currently, our product does not store any data persistently. However, if in the future we are storing data some security concerns could arise such as a user's sleep data being used to target specific pharmaceutical ads.

🗓 Schedule

1Decide the hierarchy of the software. How are we going to structure the drivers? (Both)
2Wire the LCD feather correctly to display the real time. Decide if we want this time to be shown at all hours of the day or just in the waking hours. Also connect the led to the huzzah and be able to power on and off (decide on what intensity is appropriate as the normal on mode). (Both)
3Program the LED to gradually light up over a 30 min period with pulse PWM. When the light hits full brightness the alarm speaker will make noise. GIven a pre-set alarm time of 7 am. Decide the rate at which the light increases and how bright it will be at its end state. Also,make sure when you set off light and turn it back on the intensity is the normal on mode. (Both)
4Program specific button pressing sequences. Be able to save/set time, turn the alarm noise off, turn light on and off. (color change) (Danielle). Use the Feather’s wifi to re-set the alarm time w/ simple web server (Ben).
5Finish up goals/ tasks in milestones 1-5 (Ben). Build a second alarm clock. Use wifi connection to sync up the clocks colors. Clock will continuously ask server if the other clock has changed color and if a change is sense it will go to the next color in the cycle (Danielle).

  Our actual schedule vs our planned one diverged quite a bit. Rather than having 5 weeks to work on the project (where we expected to have our pieces for a minimum of 4 of these weeks) we ended up having a lot less time than anticipated. Week 1 we started as we planned with Milestone 0. Both of us determining the wiring of how the 3 Feathers, neopixel, and buzzer will connect. After the wiring was determined we started by making sure the neopixels and buzzer were working correctly. We ended up not using PWM for the increasing brightness since we were working with neopixels. The neopixels used a loop to gradually increase over a span of time and then triggered the buzzer (milestone 2+3). Then we split off to work in parallel: Danielle worked with the Adalogger FeatherWing RTC + SD add on and Ben worked with the OLED FeatherWing display. Ben completed milestone 4 creating specific button sequences to control setting the alarm time. Danielle also connected the devices to wifi to receive MQTT messages from the Adafruit IO website dashboard(milestone 6).

   At the beginning of Week 2 we came back together to merge our code into the finite state machine structure and make our second clock. Both the stacking boards worked together to accomplish milestone 1: having the OLED accurately show the current time. We also added more button functionality to turn the light on/off, change its color, and stop the alarm buzzer (milestone 1.5). Some of the milestones changed a bit as we went - the suunns do not have the ability to change another suunns color directly (without using the MQTT site). However, milestone 5: having the user be able to set the alarm time through wifi was not accomplished.

   Week 3 we worked on making our own website that a user can use to view all of these instructions and also change the suunns color on.

😖 Issues Encountered

  During the development process we encountered a couple roadblocks but most did not have a significant effect in delaying our progress. The RTC was giving a strange issue complaining about overflow in converting from long int to machine language. We discovered this was because we needed to set the RTC to current time. It was set to 2013 which meant the conversion math was creating overflow. Connecting to wifi on the Middlebury network proved to be a slight setback. Initially we were attempting to connect via hotspot which had erratic behavior very rarely connecting. However, after we found and registered the Huzzah's mac address with the Middlebury wifi this was resolved. We also had a faulty wire in one of our neopixels, but since we had a functional second one this did not stall our work. Overall, our original goals stayed the same and our final product had almost all the features we wanted for it, bonus ones and all.

🚀 Future Work

  The aesthetics of the lamp we hoped to make look a little more professional. We foresaw having a wood box base and an opaque glass cube atop this for the light. We also would have a way to set the alarm time from a website or app.

Other ideas:

  • Pairing with another Suunn
  • Heart-rate Monitor alarm
  • Music Alarms with speaker
  • Brighter Lights
